
Dorsal is a site-specific intervention that weaves together three scales, territorial, human and microscopic, creating a space for reflection on agrosystems.

Dorsal proposes a conversation with the landscape of Viña Lanciano, sticks its ribs into the ground and rises defiantly to the elements, fragile, exposed. The installation functions as a sounding board that echoes the conversation with the elements of the landscape orchestrated to shape it. The Ebro and its Mantible Bridge, the floods and their elements, the meander, the profiles of the mountain ranges, the geometries of the vineyard, the anatomy of the vines, the terroir, the exposure to the elements, ...

In Viña Lanciano and, in a large part of La Rioja, wine is the backbone of the conversation with the territory. The territory is sculpted by tractor and scissors, under the watchful eye of the winegrower and winemaker. The vine reigns on the horizon. The wine marks the times and gives voice to the universe of microorganisms and minerals that inhabit the soil. This intense dialogue with the landscape and the elements is transformed into wines that express the personality of the terroir and the culture that works it.

Dorsal invites us to celebrate the abundance of nature, to respect its limits, and to connect with the essential work of agriculture. This connection at different levels is essential to catalyze individual responsibility for the environment and the agrosystem. As a society, we must be able to channel this commitment towards the sustainable production of nutrient-dense food through regenerative management of the agricultural landscape.

The installation calls upon this society to invoke the conscious joy of the grape harvest, the celebration that leaves behind the uncertainties and heartaches of the annual cycle of the vineyard, and to formalize a bond of respect with the land, proposing a gathering space where to sit on the ground in communion with the landscape.


Logroño. Spain

Concentrico Festival 2025